
Tom Phillips c.1984

Humument Globe, 1989

Curriculum Vitae I, 1986

A TV Dante (C4 booklet), 1985

Samuel Beckett, 1984

Dante's Inferno frontispiece, 1983
- 1989
- Retrospective at National Portrait Gallery with catalogue The Portrait Works
- New studio in Bellenden Road
- Makes Humument Globes with Sylvia Sumira
- Begins portrait of the Monty Pythons
- Canto’s I-VIII of A TV DANTE broadcast by Channel 4
- Colfe’s School mural
- Bookcover for Iris Murdoch's The Message to the Planet
- Completes paintings, menu design and glass screen for The Ivy restaurant
- The Artist’s Eye, a documentary on Tom Phillips by Jake Auerbach is broadcast on BBC2
- 1988
- Completes a series of collage works, Meditations on the Cross, and two multiple self-portraits
- Paints Pete Townshend of The Who for cover of Face Dances album
- Einer an Jeder Seite commission from Imperial War Museum
- AMM record Irma for Matchless Recordings
- 1987
- Completes a number of portraits in preparation for the National Portrait Gallery one man exhibition
- Hires the Oval Cricket Ground for his 50th Birthday Party and Cricket Match, TPXI v The Rest Of The Artworld
- Designs the cover for Iris Murdoch’s new novel The Book and the Brotherhood
- First revised edition of A Humument published
- 1986
- Begins first version of series of 20 Curriculum Vitae paintings
- 1985
- Begins working on A TV DANTE with Peter Greenaway
- Continues series of Works on Vellum
- First version of C Loopseend is constructed ;
- Heart of A Humument published and Thames & Hudson trade edition of Dante’s Inferno
- Vice Chair of the Copyright Council (to 1989)
- 1984
- Starts Humbert’s Cursory Rhymes sketchbooks
- Draws Samuel Beckett at Riverside Studios
- Elected Royal Academician
- Paints Brian Eno and James Fenton, begins portrait of Iris Murdoch
- Visits Japan and starts to use freehand lettering
- Series of works on vellum, using extra vellum from Dante binding
- 1983
- Dante finished
- Wins Frances Williams Memorial Prize V&A Museum
- Bill Hurrell’s Toronto Tarot
- First London performance of Irma at ICA as part of Adrian Jack’s Musicica series
- 1982
- Completes series of small sculpture works Large Paintings Small Galleries
- Moves into studio at Talfourd Road
- 1980
- Works each Saturday morning on lithographic stone to make portrait in installments of Pella Erskine Tulloch, published as Pella on Saturdays
- Also in this year portraits of Ruth and Marvin Sackner
- First trade edition of A Humument published by Thames and Hudson