
Wednesday, 04 May 2016 15:19 Written by  Lucy Admin

Tom Phillips at Shandy Hall: From Prequel to Sequel


Now that Spring is here what better time to visit Shandy Hall home of The Laurence Sterne Trust and the house where Sterne wrote Tristam Shandy. The house and gardens are worth the journey alone but in the gallery, until 26th June there is a very rare opportunity to see Tom Phillips’s original artwork for the 50 pages which will complete the second version of A Humument. Details of the forthcoming publication will be announced shortly.

The gallery at Shandy Hall is open every day except Saturday from 11am to 4pm.  

Meanwhile, Patrick Wildgust the indefatigable curator of Shandy Hall has been running a project with the University of Pennsylvania to trap, photograph, identify and write about the various moth species found in the gardens of Shandy Hall, to date over 372 of them. You can share his discoveries here