Irma: Our Lamp-Lit History limited edition print 2017
Tickets are now on sale for a new production of Tom Phillips opera Irma, based on the full score published in 2014. Directed by Netia Jones with musical direction by Anton Lukoszevieze, Irma will be shown as an audio visual installation at the South London Gallery from 11am - 6pm on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th September followed by performances at 7.30pm on both nights. You can purchase tickets for the performances from the South London Gallery price £15 or £10 for concessions.
Irma is produced by SoundUK, a music charity dedicated to bringing new music in exceptional productions to a wider public. SoundUk has launched a crowdfunder page and invite pledges to support this production. There are several rewards offered for your pledges, including the signed limited edition print above by Tom Phillips.