Bellenden Renewal Scheme: Rima Light
Rima Street Lamps
designed by Tom Phillips
for Bellenden Road Renewal Scheme
Notes on this work
Residents were keen that the Bellenden renewal project focused environmental funding on improving the streetscape. The scheme to regenerate Bellenden Road attracted a lot of interest from local resident and businesses. Artists who lived or worked in the area including Tom Phillips, Antony Gormley and John Latham were commissioned to contribute designs for the regeneration scheme.
The involvement of the local authority in developing the design options ensured that there was a clear understanding of the materials and products that could be used. For example although the new lighting columns have an individual bespoke design by Tom Phillips, all actual working parts such as the light fittings and casings have been designed and manufactured to work and fit around existing light columns.
This enables Southwark’s highways division the opportunity to change bulbs, provide ease of maintenance and ensure all parts are of standard Southwark issue. With these maintenance issues in mind, artists were encouraged to use their imagination. Resulting in an award winning public art and street furniture which can be maintained at no extra cost.